When Root Canal Treatment is the Best Option
Your tooth’s root canal extends from the center of your tooth, known as the pulp, to the socket within your jawbone that holds the root in place. When tooth decay or oral bacteria reach the nerves and tissues in the pulp, root canal treatment is necessary to clean away the infection and stop it from spreading through the root canal. Because the procedure is more complex than a tooth filling, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell only recommends it when necessary.
Undergoing Root Canal Treatment
Before performing root canal treatment, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell may suggest nitrous oxide sedation (also known as laughing gas) to help you remain calm and relaxed. In most cases, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can perform root canal treatment in just one day, as well as place a crown over the tooth for improved protection, if necessary. For complex cases, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell may refer you to a trusted endodontic specialist to ensure you receive the highest quality treatment.