SureSmile Clear Aligners

Tooth misalignment, or malocclusion, can affect nearly every aspect of your smile, from its appearance to the health and integrity of your teeth and jaw joints. Crooked teeth can make biting and chewing difficult, or strain your TMJs as they try to compensate for the misalignment. Straightening them is the only way to avoid increasingly more complicated dental issues. For many older teen and adult patients, SureSmile offers an alternative to braces, utilizing clear acrylic aligners rather than cumbersome bracket-and-wire braces.

The Benefits of SureSmile

SureSmile is a system of custom, precision aligners that are designed to gradually shift  crooked teeth into straighter positions as you progress through them. By using nearly-invisible acrylic aligners instead of traditional braces, SureSmile offers a number of benefits, including:

  • Greater comfort without obtrusive brackets and wires
  • Improved discretion by remaining nearly invisible while in place
  • Better hygiene since the aligners can be temporarily removed to brush and floss
  • More complete nutrition since you can remove your aligners before eating