Improving Your Smile Through An Invisalign Treatment

Even though your teeth are in good health, you may feel unhappy about the way you look when you smile. Problems with the way your teeth are spaced can leave you with gaps or overlaps that make your smile asymmetrical, and also create visible flaws that draw unwelcome attention. The idea of orthodontic work can appeal to many people, but it can be hard to comfortably commit to wearing braces, particularly as an adult. At our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, individuals who want to do something about poor alignment can learn about Invisalign treatment. Invisalign appliances are removable and difficult to see, which can make orthodontic work easier for you to commit to!

You Can Take Care Of Gaps And Overlaps Without Metal Braces

Metal braces have helped many people fix problems with their dental alignment, and they can be effective for treating serious spacing flaws. With that said, people with mild to moderate alignment problems can do something about their troubles without wearing a fixed appliance. Invisalign treatment can give you a more comfortable and cosmetically pleasing alternative when compared with metal braces.

You Can Quickly Adjust To Life With Your Aligners

Because your Invisalign aligners are made from a clear material, you can wear them without feeling uncomfortable even if you are in a professional or social setting. This makes it easier for people to keep them on throughout the day, which keeps them on track with their adjustment schedule. With that said, you are free to remove them when you eat, or when you are about to clean your teeth. This limits their ability to intrude on your typical day, and it can help you maintain your general dental health routine.

Straightening Your Teeth Can Improve Your Bite Function

There are exciting cosmetic benefits to gain when you straighten your teeth. This makes Invisalign appealing to people who are eager to make changes to their smile. You can also enjoy oral health benefits to this work! Straightening your teeth can fix overlaps that are difficult to clean properly, which can make it easier to prevent cavities and gum disease. Straighter teeth can also improve your bite function, which can help you avoid jaw pain.

Your St. Louis, MO Dentist Can Help You Improve Your Smile With Invisalign Treatment

Through Invisalign treatment, you can enjoy a straighter smile without having to wear fixed metal braces! Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office can talk to you about the benefits of Invisalign, and discuss other procedures that can help you feel more confident when you smile. If you are curious about Invisalign, or about cosmetic dental work, please call Magnolia Family Dental today at 314-822-4521.