Category: Preventive Dentistry

Time For A Cleaning And Screening?

Cleaning and screening st. louis mo

If it has been a while since your last semiannual dental checkup, it is time to make an appointment with your provider for a cleaning and screening. These visits are an essential part of your oral health maintenance, and even though we know that you make the effort in your brushing and flossing, you simply… Read more »

When Was Your Last Dental Checkup?

dental checkup st. louis mo

Have you been putting off your semiannual cleanings and examinations? Most people need these appointments every 6 months, and some require an accelerated schedule of treatment. If it has been a while since the last time you saw the dentist, the spring is a perfect time to renew your focus on your oral health. Starting… Read more »

New Year, New Oral Health Dedication

new year magnolia st louis mo

If one of your resolutions this year is to improve your smile, this can be a great step to start off 2024. Both your appearance and your oral health rely on a dedication to keeping your teeth healthy and beautiful, and this all centers around your visits to the dentist. You need to see them… Read more »

Care For Your Smile With A Dental Checkup

Dental Checkup St. Louis MO

Even with a dedication to your oral health, you still need to see your dentist from time to time for a cleaning and examination. Your routine brushing and flossing is certainly important, but home hygiene is simply not enough to keep your smile safe as you age. Most patients need to see the dentist at… Read more »

Maintain Your Smile With Helpful Prevention

Smiling Woman St. Louis Mo

While much of your oral health maintenance comes at home, you still need to regularly see your dentist for a cleaning and examination. For most people, these visits are necessary every six months. Some patients have certain environmental or genetic factors that require an accelerated schedule of these appointments, so always be sure to speak… Read more »

Smile Improvement Goals For 2023

The end of the year is just days away, making this a great time to think about how you can make the most of 2023. Both broad and focused resolutions can be well worth making, as they can help you clarify what you want for the new year and what you hope to avoid. Whether… Read more »

Use Your Remaining Dental Benefits While You Still Can!

The year is close to its end, but you still have several weeks to take care of tasks that need to be handled in 2022. For example, there is still time for you to use your remaining dental benefits for the year. By doing so and keeping up with smile care, you can enjoy important protection… Read more »

Holiday Smile Care Tips For Your Family

How will you celebrate the holidays with your family this year? Many people will travel for at least one seasonal gathering, with some taking multiple trips to enjoy the different special occasions that take place at the end of the year. While this can be a rewarding series of trips, it can also become a… Read more »

Do You Have Dental Benefits Left For The Year?

When you make good use of your dental benefits, you stay informed about your oral health and keep your smile protected. 2022 is just a few months away from ending, which means you have a limited time to use any benefits that you have left. Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office is here to help you check in… Read more »

Halloween Candy And Your Dental Health

Halloween is just a few weeks away, and you may have already taken several steps to make sure you celebrate it properly. Buying and putting out decorations, selecting costumes, and stocking up on candy are all normal parts of preparing for the holiday. As fun as it can be to enjoy the season, that Halloween candy… Read more »