When Was Your Last Dental Checkup?

dental checkup st. louis moHave you been putting off your semiannual cleanings and examinations? Most people need these appointments every 6 months, and some require an accelerated schedule of treatment. If it has been a while since the last time you saw the dentist, the spring is a perfect time to renew your focus on your oral health. Starting off the warmer months with a dental checkup can help you reinvigorate your appreciation for your smile with a cleaner feeling and the knowledge you are keeping your oral health at a high level.

When it’s time for your next cleaning and examination, schedule a visit with our helpful oral health team at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO. Making the effort in your preventive care can help you avoid deterioration of your smile, including fighting tooth decay and periodontal disease, which can become serious risks for your teeth and gums. Give us a call and schedule your next appointment today!

Your Dental Checkup Is An Opportunity

When you wait too long between your visits for semiannual checkups at the dentist, bacteria can start to cause damage. Even with diligent brushing and flossing, harmful microorganisms within your mouth can feast upon remnants of food left between your teeth and along your gumline. They start to create a film known as plaque, and if it is not removed, it will calcify into a harder biofilm called tartar. At that point, you will need the help of a trained dentist or dental hygienist to safely remove your bacterial buildup.

This is just one of the reasons that sticking to your schedule of checkups is so important. Your visit also includes a thorough examination of your smile, and you can feel free to ask all of your oral health questions during this part of your appointment. We are here to help you learn healthy habits, and sometimes, we all could use a refresher.

If Your Dentist Identifies Damage

One of the reasons that people avoid the dentist is because they do not feel like receiving bad news. Unfortunately, with oral health this can allow the problem to progress further. By catching tooth decay and periodontal disease at an earlier time, you can avoid lasting damage.

Sometimes, additional steps are necessary, and we are here to help you renew your smile. We offer a selection of dental fillings that blend in with your natural smile, beautiful dental crowns, and more.

Schedule Your Next Visit With Magnolia Family Dental!

If it has been some time since your last dental checkup, talk to our team about finding your way back to a positive path of prevention. To find out more or to schedule your next semiannual examination, give our St. Louis, MO oral health team a call at Magnolia Family Dental at (314)822-4521!