Fixing Smiles In One Visit With Cosmetic Dentistry

We’ve looked at teeth whitening, but what about if your teeth are damaged or misshapen? We actually have two unique cosmetic treatments that address a number of esthetic concerns. In fact, with bonding and contouring we can fix smiles in just one visit!

Dental Bonding

With bonding, we use the same composite resin material we employ for tooth-colored fillings. We begin by removing any decay and then thoroughly cleaning the tooth. We may also etch the tooth surface to ensure the material bonds with the tooth as it cures.

The composite resin will be color-matched to blend with the tooth and applied in multiple layers. We can then cure the composite resin with a light, sculpting the tooth in the process. Finally, we polish the tooth for a more natural appearance. We can use bonding to repair chipped teeth, close gaps between the teeth, and even to mask permanent discoloration. The entire procedure only takes one visit to complete.

Dental Contouring

While bonding adds material, contouring improves esthetics by gently buffing away surface structure, we can be used to remove any pits or groove in the tooth. We also dull overly pointed teeth and help reshape malformed or damaged teeth. We can perform the entire procedure in just one sitting.

Don’t Ignore Damaged Teeth

We want to take this opportunity to remind our patients that even if the damage seems minor, they should see the dentist. Even a small chip could potentially expose the sensitive inner layers of dentin to bacteria, leading to the onset of decay or even infection. Repairing a tooth not only improves your smile’s appearance, but helps maintain your overall oral health as well. If you have any questions about fixing teeth in one visit, or about any of our other cosmetic treatment options, then please contact our team today.

Do You Need Cosmetic Dentistry?

At Magnolia Family Dental, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell and our talented team can fix a smile in as little as one visit with bonding and contouring. To schedule a visit with Dr. Emily Johnson, call Magnolia Family Dental in Kirkwood/St. Louis, MO, today at 314-822-4521.