The Trouble With Tea (And Coffee)

Teas typically contain less caffeine than the usual cup of coffee, and your favorite beverage can be ideal for unwinding during an afternoon break. Unsweetened tea can be refreshing, while keeping your sugar intake low. With all that said, there is one concern you should hold onto when it comes to drinking tea – you may be affecting the color of your smile. Too many cups of tea, or coffee, can result in a buildup of staining particles in your enamel, which can ultimately dull your smile. Your St. Louis, MO dentist’s office can help you address this with a professional whitening treatment. If you want to avoid future stains, moderation and consistent preventive dental care are both important.

Dark Beverages Can Lead To Smile Trouble – Sugary Drinks Can Lead To Cavity Trouble

Your choice of beverage during meals, or at the start of your day, can have real effects on your oral health. You can enjoy flavor without sugar if you drink coffee or tea, but too much of either can result in stains in your teeth. You should also be mindful of beverages that are acidic, or high in sugar. Acidic products make your enamel less resistant against tooth decay and stains, while bacteria on your teeth can release harmful acids after consuming sugar, which leads to cavities. Because soft drinks are acidic and high in sugar, they can be a menace to your smile if you drink them regularly.

Drinking More Water Can Help Your Smile In Several Ways

When you drink water throughout the day, you can clear away harmful debris on your teeth, and maintain better hydration levels. Adequate hydration makes it easier for you to produce saliva, which helps you keep your smile clean and healthy. Water sources with fluoride can help you protect yourself against tooth decay, and avoid restorative dental work.

Magnolia Family Dental Can Help You Practice Better Habits For Your Smile

At Magnolia Family Dental, you can look forward to receiving dedicated smile care when you need it. By arranging routine preventive care, you can also receive care, and guidance, that will help you protect yourself against future problems. You can find out more, or set an appointment with Dr. Johnson-G’Sell, by calling Magnolia Family Dental in Kirkwood/St. Louis, MO, today at 314-822-4521.