A dental filling or dental crown that feels loose, appears broken, or causes discomfort is a concern. If you find yourself experiencing problems with a restoration, reach out to your St. Louis, MO dentist’s office. Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can evaluate your tooth and determine how to make sure it remains safe. The replacement of an older filling or crown will help keep your tooth safe, and ensure that you are able to bite and chew without issues. If you are replacing a metal restoration with one made from a more cosmetically pleasing material, this work can also make a difference in the quality of your smile!
A Loose Or Damaged Restoration Creates A Dental Health Risk
Restorations must remain in place for the life of a tooth. Unfortunately, tooth enamel is limited in its capacity to heal from damage. A cavity or physical injury leaves the tooth vulnerable, which is why a permanent dental filling or dental crown is placed at the end of a restorative dental procedure. When these restorations stop offering their full support, they expose a tooth to potential infection or damage.
Receiving A Replacement Restoration
By replacing an older restoration with a new one, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can make sure that your tooth is properly supported again. The process of restoring the tooth will include an evaluation to make sure that no new issues with that tooth need to be addressed. It can also be necessary to check on a tooth and see if it needs more support than before – a problem with an older filling may call for treatment with a dental crown. Once the work is complete, you can leave our practice with confidence in your bite, the health of your tooth, and your smile!
A Restoration At Our Practice Can Match Your Enamel!
Our practice is able to offer restorations that imitate the color of a person’s enamel. As a result, you can replace an older filling or crown made from metal with improvements to your smile as well as your dental health. Composite resin material is used to create a lifelike filling that bonds directly to your tooth structure. Both porcelain and zirconia are effective at crafting crowns that imitate healthy teeth, with zirconia offering more physical support.
Contact Magnolia Family Dental About A Loose Filling Or Crown!
A problem with an older dental filling or dental crown should not be ignored. Putting off treatment makes it more likely that new problems will affect your tooth and demand more restorative work! At Magnolia Family Dental, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell is prepared to help patients who lose a filling or crown, feel a restoration come loose, or have any other concerns about past dental work. If you would like to learn more about our practice, please call our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office at 314-822-4521.