Renew Your Smile With A Dental Implant

renew your smile st. louis moLosing one or more of your teeth can be a really difficult thing to experience, but thankfully, there are solutions. If you are struggling with your smile, take the time to talk to a trusted local oral health team about your options. You have possibilities to renew your smile with prosthodontic repair, including the placement of a biocompatible dental implant. This approach uses durable titanium to create a secure bond between your jaw and your prosthetic, helping you to chew even the toughest of foods.

With our prosthodontic professionals at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, you have oral health opportunities. Dental implant technology is changing the game when it comes to replacing teeth, so make an appointment for a consultation and discover the difference. To find out more about the advantages of biocompatible dental implants for the replacement of one or more missing teeth, call our office today and schedule a time to talk further about this advanced technology.

Why Choose Dental Implants Over Other Prosthodontic Methods?

When thinking about your options to replace your missing teeth, there are a few different ways to go. There are bridges, as well as partial and full dentures, so what benefits does a dental implant approach provide? With dental implants, the difference is apparent from the very start.

Rather than relying on support from your existing teeth, like with a dental bridge, an implant creates a strong connection with the bone tissue within your jaw through the placement of a titanium post. The human body heals around this threaded metal rod due to a mechanism called osseointegration, and it has also been used in the attachment of prosthetic limbs. Osseointegration creates a strong connection between metal and bone, and it allows for a durable prosthetic tooth that can handle chewing tough foods like apples and pizza.

Are Biocompatible Dental Implants Your Path To Renew Your Smile?

If it is time to talk about replacing your missing or failing teeth, be sure to ask your provider about whether a dental implant is right for you. This method has rapidly grown in prevalence over the last few years, and the technology is being used in more and more advanced procedures.

Dental implants can even form the foundation for a full smile renovation. When it is time to replace your old or ill-fitting dentures, make an appointment to talk about an implant-retained denture solution. All-on-4 uses a set number of implant posts to mount a custom prosthetic, designed to give you the connection you need.

Find Out More At Magnolia Family Dental!

Are you ready to replace your missing teeth? Talk to a team of local experts at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO at (314)822-4521 and renew your smile!