Start The Fall With A Biannual Checkup!

biannual checkup st. louis moHave you seen the dentist yet this year? If you are trying (and failing) to remember the date of your last biannual checkup, then it is time to call your oral health team. These visits are vital to your ability to maintain your smile, and you don’t want to fall behind. While you wait, bacterial buildup of plaque and tartar can continue to accumulate, causing tooth decay, gingivitis, and more.

When you want to put the focus back on your oral health, give us a call at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO. Our team is devoted to bringing patients quality care, and we know that prevention has real value when it comes to your teeth. Your routine cleanings and examinations are a pivotal part of your smile upkeep, so make sure that you are following through with your appointments. If it has been a while since the last time you were in the dental chair, call us today!

Are You Staying On Top Of Your Oral Health Schedule?

Most people need to visit the dentist at least twice each year for a cleaning and an examination. If you look at the calendar, you might notice that we are past the midway point of 2024, meaning that you might be falling behind when it comes to your care. When this happens, it is important to call your provider to schedule a time for a biannual cleaning and examination.

These appointments help you to consistently keep an eye on the health of your smile. While you wait, a bacterial biofilm of plaque could continue to build in areas where your brushing and flossing are not able to reach. Once plaque calcifies into harder tartar (calculus), you need the help of a trained dental professional to safely remove it, and we are armed with advanced ultrasonic technology to keep your smile clean.

The Fall Is A Great Time For A Biannual Checkup

So, if you have gotten off track when it comes to your dental appointments, when do you start renewing your focus on your oral health? The answer to that is “As soon as you can.” There are some distinct advantages to scheduling a fall dental appointment, though!

Things tend to become a little hectic for patients around the holidays, and coming in before then can help you make sure that you follow through with your appointment. If you have been busy with your kids during summer vacation, this time of the year offers a little more schedule flexibility for parents. Remember that earlier intervention is always advisable, and scheduling an appointment today can help you get yourself back on track.

Come Visit Us At Magnolia Family Dental!

Is it time for your next dental cleaning and examination? Talk to our team today at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO at (314)822-4521 and set a date to discuss your dentistry with a biannual checkup.