Cracked A Tooth Over The Holidays?

cracked a tooth st. louis moChristmastime can be really tough on smiles. With all of the travel, close proximity, and stress, people are at a higher risk of experiencing damage to their teeth. This means that right now is a busy time for dentists, and if you’re ready to renew your oral health with a  restoration, we’re here to help with a range of solutions designed to help you smile with confidence again. It all starts with a phone call to our team, so if you managed to crack a tooth over the holidays, reach out to our office.

At Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, we understand the importance of keeping up with your smile. That’s why we work tirelessly to help people maintain and improve their oral health. Sometimes that means restoring a tooth that’s been damaged due to injury or decay. When it’s time to talk to a trusted name in local dentistry, reach out to our front desk.

Restore your damaged tooth. Call Magnolia today!

Your Enamel Normally Blocks Bacteria

When you injure one or more of your natural teeth, you could lose the protection of your enamel. This is the material that covers the surface of the tooth, and it’s the hardest form of tissue that the human body produces. But even though it’s stronger than bone, it can still become damaged due to injury or tooth decay. And when that happens, it’s time to call your dentist.

Since enamel blocks the spread of bacteria, it’s a major help in avoiding infection. Unfortunately, when it’s lost after you’ve broken or cracked a tooth, harmful microorganisms could make their way inside. The dentin that composes the bulk of your tooth is less dense and more porous, allowing bacteria to make their way through to the root. At this point, your infection could cause a seriously painful toothache, requiring correction by either a root canal treatment or by extraction.

Restoring Your Smile After Damage

If you cracked a tooth over the holidays, now’s the time to call your dentist. If you wait, bacterial infection could either start or become worse, so it’s important to speak with your oral health team about your steps moving forward. Otherwise, you put yourself at risk.

For the repair of a cracked or broken tooth, dental crowns are a helpful solution that restores the chewing surface and renews appearance. At our office, we have a range of options in dental crown material, including some that blend in with the shade of your natural enamel. Look your best while strengthening your smile with a beautiful new dental crown.

Cracked A Tooth? Call Magnolia Family Dental

If you damaged your smile over the holidays, we’re here for you. To find out more about our office, or to schedule an appointment, call Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO at (314)822-4521 today!