Taking Home A Whitening Kit Provided By Your Dentist

If you take home a whitening kit from your local pharmacy or grocery store, you may see results that fail to meet your expectations. These store bought products, and toothpastes that promise extra whitening results, can leave deeper stains behind in your enamel. A professional whitening kit from your St. Louis, MO dentist’s office can deliver more remarkable results by removing those stains that are harder to reach. The professional-strength gels provided in these kits can make for more striking improvements, and you can be impressed by how different your teeth look after just two weeks!

Using A Professional Whitening Kit To Address Persistent, Unsightly Stains

Your professional whitening kit will include prescription-strength whitening gels, and special oral trays to help you with the application process. Because the trays are made to fit your smile specifically, you can reliably and evenly administer the whitening gels. Patients can see results after around two weeks.
If you are eager to see results from a professional teeth whitening session, talk to Dr. Johnson-G’Sell about an in-office appointment. One visit can deliver results that match what you can expect to see from using a take-home kit.

How Can I Make Sure My Cosmetic Treatment Will Deliver The Results I Want?

Let Dr. Johnson-G’Sell know what your hopes are concerning cosmetic dental work. The right procedure can lead to a brighter smile, while also improving on the appearance of teeth that are an inappropriate size or shape. Many people who want to make several changes can benefit from receiving porcelain veneers, which can cover up discolored, damaged, and congenitally flawed teeth.

Talk To Magnolia Family Dental About Taking Home A Whitening Kit

If you want to do something about frustrating teeth stains, talk to Dr. Johnson-G’Sell about taking home a professional whitening kit. These kits provide patients with prescription-strength gels, and custom oral trays, which can help you enjoy notable improvements! You can schedule an appointment to learn more about this, or any other cosmetic treatment, by calling Magnolia Family Dental in Kirkwood/St. Louis, MO, today at 314-822-4521.