Make Sure You Use Your Dental Benefits For 2020!

We are reaching the final months of 2020, which means the holiday season is soon to arrive. If you have not made use of your dental benefits for the year already, and do not have any appointments scheduled to do so, using them before they run out may be more difficult than you anticipate! Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office is ready to provide you with the oral health services you need before we reach the end of the calendar. Dr. Johnson helps many families in and around our community maintain healthy teeth. She is also ready to help individuals who are concerned about symptoms of poor oral health.

The End Of The Year Is Closer Than You Might Realize

As we approach the final three months of the year, you may find that you are running out of time to make use of your allotted dental benefits. Setting aside time for a dental examination may become difficult as work and life responsibilities keep you busy, and as holiday-related errands start to consume your time. Take advantage of the time you have to make sure you set an appointment before the start of 2021. Unless you are told otherwise, you should see your dentist twice a year in order to stay on top of your oral hygiene needs!

How Long Has It Been Since Your Smile Was Examined?

Have you undergone a dental checkup in the last six months? If you have fallen out of the practice of scheduling these visits, you miss out on important services that protect your smile. One problem with skipping dental exams is that you also miss out on regular teeth cleanings. Without these services, calculus will be able to build up and make you more susceptible to cavities and gum disease. If a cavity has formed since your last appointment, you may not feel its presence until it is large enough to cause complications, which means more than a dental filling can be necessary for restoring the tooth.

We Can Address More Than Just Cavities

Our practice is able to help with more than just familiar problems like tooth decay and gum disease. What you might not realize is that ongoing problems with neck pain, facial soreness, and even headaches can be traced to problems with your jaw that Dr. Johnson will be able to address. Through TMJ treatment, problems with stress and poor joint alignment are managed in order to ease tension and pain. With this help, you can reduce problems with recurring aches and pains, improve your bite function, and generally enjoy a better quality of life!

Schedule Oral Health Care At Magnolia Family Dental

At Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, Dr. Johnson is prepared to help you manage your oral health and preserve your lovely smile! As the end of the year draws near, you may find it harder to make time to use your remaining dental benefits. The sooner you schedule care, the sooner you will be able to use what has been allotted to you! To find out more, please call Magnolia Family Dental at 314-822-4521.