Scheduling Dental Exams For Young Kids

Younger children have different concerns than adults, when it comes to oral health. Among other differences, kids go through a process of gaining their primary teeth, losing them, and regaining a full smile when their secondary teeth arrive. Children also have to learn the basics of oral hygiene, and develop an understanding of why smile care is important. Your St. Louis, MO dentist’s office is ready to meet with your youngest family members and help them maintain a healthy smile as they grow up. We can start with a well baby exam, an initial visit that introduces our new patient to the dentist’s office environment. You should know that we do provide complimentary exams for children under the age of two when parents come in for their routine dental exams.

Protecting Your Child’s Smile At An Early Age

While their teeth may be temporary at an early age, it is important that kids receive beneficial dental care from the start. Problems with their oral health can lead to dental infections that cause pain and interfere with their development. At home, you will help your child protect their teeth by carefully cleaning them. When you bring your children in for preventive care, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can evaluate the development of their oral structures, carefully tend to their teeth, and offer guidance on how you can continue to help them remain cavity-free until they are old enough to brush and floss on their own.

Scheduling A Well Baby Exam

A well baby exam is an early appointment that focuses on giving a small child the right introduction to the dentist’s office. This appointment should occur within six months of their first tooth’s arrival, or by the time of their first birthday. At this appointment, your child has the opportunity to adjust to their new surroundings, and we can perform an early check to make sure that they are reaching developmental milestones and no issues need to be addressed.

We Provide Important Oral Health Services For Patients Of All Ages

It is important that you give your child the right early access to dental care. It is also important that you continue to tend to your own oral health care needs! Our practice welcomes patients of all ages, so we can help everyone in your household avoid problems like tooth decay and gum disease. Adult patients can receive support that will help them avoid issues like tooth loss later in life, and they can enjoy support against problems like TMJ disorder, which can lead to persistent problems with pain and sensitivity.

Bring Your Baby For Their First Dental Exam At Magnolia Family Dental

At Magnolia Family Dental, patients are encouraged to bring their kids in for important pediatric services. Starting with a well baby exam, we can provide important protection for your child’s developing smile while we help you stay protected against oral health threats. If you would like to learn more, or if you wish to schedule appointments for your family, reach out to our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office by calling 314-822-4521.