Making The Right Cosmetic Changes

For a cosmetic dental procedure to be right for you, it needs to offer more than just significant changes. You should also feel that you can count on the treatment you choose to address your specific concerns about the way you look. Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office is able to help by offering multiple treatment options. With the right approach you can target the flaws you feel hold you back from showing a truly confident smile. We can help you see the noteworthy improvements you want in less time than you think possible!

Can You See The Results You Really Want From A Cosmetic Procedure?

If you choose to look into cosmetic dental treatment, you may worry that you will find it hard to identify a procedure that addresses your concerns. Because you have several treatment options available at our office, you can determine what treatment solution is right for you. We can work with you on changing the color of your smile, and we can take on issues with the shape, size, or condition of teeth that currently hurt your appearance.

Focusing On Issues With Discoloration

Dental discoloration is an issue that many people find frustrating to solve. What might surprise you is that these issues are not always connected to enamel stains. If stains are a problem for you, we can discuss the benefits of an in-office teeth whitening treatment, or you can make plans to have your smile brightened at home. However, if you have problems with intrinsic discoloration, you can explore other procedures, such as tooth bonding and contouring or porcelain veneers, which can address problems with your tooth structure that make your smile appear dull.

Taking Care Of Teeth That Are Damaged Or Misshapen

Dental damage and naturally misshapen teeth are certainly causes for concern. The good news is that you have options when it comes to cosmetic services that address these issues. Veneers are thin shells that hide these flaws with only conservative changes to your enamel. Another approach we can offer is tooth bonding and contouring treatment to make changes without the need to make and place restorations.

Talk To Your St. Louis, MO Dentist About Making The Right Cosmetic Changes

Through the right approach to cosmetic dentistry, you can see the changes you hope for, something that can give you a lasting boost to your confidence. If you have specific concerns about your appearance, or if you want to know more about what the right procedures can do to change how you look, please call Magnolia Family Dental at 314-822-4521.