Discover The Many Benefits Of Veneers

Wedding Man St. Louis MOIf you are struggling with the appearance of your smile, talk with a trusted dental professional about your choices in cosmetic dentistry. These types of issues are common, yet still some people choose to continue with subpar dentistry. You have the opportunity to take control of your oral health, so take advantage of the chance to improve your smile.

When you are in need of a smile enhancement, talk with our helpful team of dental professionals in St. Louis, MO. One of the methods available to you is the placement of elegant new porcelain veneers. This process uses a thin layer of ceramic material that your provider will place over your existing tooth structure, giving you a gorgeous new smile. Veneers are versatile, so talk with your dentist about all of the ways that they can help you to reach your desired goal!

How Dentists Use Porcelain Veneers To Enhance Ailing Smiles

Porcelain veneers give your dentist the ability to improve the look of your smile, but are you familiar with how they use this technique? The veneer placement process utilizes a durable and translucent form of ceramic, which is remarkably similar to your natural enamel.

By placing a thin layer of this material atop your natural tooth, your dentist can give you an elegant cosmetic dental solution that is designed to last. In fact, these enhancements can last for decades with proper maintenance. In addition to their cosmetic benefits, they can also be used for the restoration of broken and cracked teeth, so if you have damage that you need to correct, talk to your provider and see whether veneers are right for you.

Make Sure To Bring Up All Of Your Needs Before Your Porcelain Veneer Placement

Versatility is a word that is often used to describe the advantages of a porcelain veneer procedure. Since your new smile improvement is custom crafted by a skilled ceramicist, there is a wide range of concerns that this process can improve. For instance, minor alignment correction may be possible through the scale and position of your veneer.

When you are in the office for your consultation and examination, be sure to bring up everything about your smile that you would like to change. If it helps, keep a journal for the week or so prior to your appointment so that you can more easily remember what you would like to improve!

Learn More About Elegant Porcelain Veneers At Our Office In St. Louis, MO

If you have questions about how porcelain veneers can help you to achieve a more attractive smile, give us a call! Reach a member of our team at Magnolia Family Dental at (314)822-4521 and schedule your appointment for a consultation.