Category: Restorative Dentistry

Cracked A Tooth Over The Holidays?

cracked a tooth st. louis mo

Christmastime can be really tough on smiles. With all of the travel, close proximity, and stress, people are at a higher risk of experiencing damage to their teeth. This means that right now is a busy time for dentists, and if you’re ready to renew your oral health with a  restoration, we’re here to help… Read more »

Broken Tooth Haunting Your Nightmares?

broken tooth st. louis mo

A healthy smile depends on defense in order to stay safe. Your enamel is the hardest material produced by your body, even stronger than bone, and it works to block the spread of harmful bacteria. But even though it is tough, it can still be damaged, and when it is, it loses its ability to… Read more »

Chipped A Tooth? Call Our Office

chipped a tooth st louis mo

If you have recently damaged one or more of your natural teeth, take the time to talk to our team about what has happened. When you lose the protective outer coating of your enamel, your tooth becomes at risk of developing an infection, and this can lead to a nasty toothache. Bacterial growth can continue… Read more »

Talk To Your Dentist About Tooth Pain

tooth pain st. louis mo

When you feel pain or discomfort within your smile, it could be a sign of a few different things, and so it can be helpful to make an appointment with your dentist to talk things over. They can use advanced imagery to take a close look at the structures of your smile, giving you an… Read more »

Broken A Tooth? Call Your Dentist

broken a tooth st. louis mo

Let’s face it: breaking a tooth is never a fun experience. When this happens, it can feel like the world stops spinning for a moment as you gather yourself and figure out what just happened. Your natural enamel plays an important role in protecting your smile from the development of bacterial infection within your tooth,… Read more »

Tooth Pain? Talk To Our Team

Tooth Pain St. Louis MO

If you have started to notice discomfort or pain within your smile, it is a sign that it is time to meet with your dentist to discuss what has been going on. This could be an indication that you are developing a bacterial infection within your tooth, and this can lead to a seriously nasty… Read more »

What To Do When You Break A Tooth

broken tooth st. louis mo

When you experience a dental emergency, it can feel as though the world stops spinning for a moment. In these instances, it is important to remember the steps that you need to take. While this is not always the easiest thing to do, preparing yourself for these situations can help you to understand your next… Read more »

Find Relief With A Root Canal Treatment

Grass Woman St. Louis MO

When you start to notice pain within your mouth, take the time to talk with a trusted dental provider about your situation. You may have an infection that has reached into the interior of your tooth, and if so, your toothache could become a serious problem for your smile. Talk to your dentist about your… Read more »

Dental Crowns Renew Your Smile

st. louis dental crowns

When a tooth becomes severely decayed or damaged, these are situations in which a filling or dental bonding are not enough to repair the tooth. To avoid worsening symptoms and the risk of tooth loss, you need a complete restoration. In today’s blog, your St. Louis, MO, dentist’s office explains how we can repair and… Read more »

When Tooth Extraction Is Necessary

st. louis tooth extraction

What happens when a tooth develops damage or an oral health concern too severe to be treated with a restoration, such as a crown or filling? In these situations, lack of action could leave the smile vulnerable to a host of serious complications. In today’s blog, your St. Louis, MO, dentist’s office talks about when… Read more »