How will you celebrate the holidays with your family this year? Many people will travel for at least one seasonal gathering, with some taking multiple trips to enjoy the different special occasions that take place at the end of the year. While this can be a rewarding series of trips, it can also become a… Read more »
Category: Preventive Dentistry
Do You Have Dental Benefits Left For The Year?
When you make good use of your dental benefits, you stay informed about your oral health and keep your smile protected. 2022 is just a few months away from ending, which means you have a limited time to use any benefits that you have left. Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office is here to help you check in… Read more »
Halloween Candy And Your Dental Health
Halloween is just a few weeks away, and you may have already taken several steps to make sure you celebrate it properly. Buying and putting out decorations, selecting costumes, and stocking up on candy are all normal parts of preparing for the holiday. As fun as it can be to enjoy the season, that Halloween candy… Read more »
Better Smile Care Now Can Have Lasting Value
How does your current smile care routine protect you? Are you really doing enough to stop issues like calculus buildup, gingivitis, or tooth decay from affecting you? Regular dental care should be a priority if you want to preserve your smile as well as your overall health. What you should know is that better habits earlier in… Read more »
Use Those Yearly Dental Benefits While You Still Can!
The final months of the year are approaching, but you have more time than you realize to make the most of 2022. One matter to think about is what you have done with your dental benefits to date, and what you can do before they can no longer be used. There is still time to make sure… Read more »
Trouble Caused By Unaddressed Gingivitis
When you put off treatment for a cavity, it will continue to grow and do irreversible harm to your enamel. One of the advantages to regularly booking dental exams is that you can learn you need treatment for decay before that damage worsens to the point of creating complications. Another benefit is that you receive… Read more »
In-Office Cleanings For Gingivitis
By keeping up with the right brushing and flossing routine, you fight the formation of calculus by removing plaque and food debris, and lower your risk for cavities. You also protect yourself against gingivitis, the first stage of a periodontal infection. Unfortunately, just as people can leave themselves vulnerable to dental decay without meaning to,… Read more »
3 Tips For Preventing Dental Issues
Whether you have a history of trouble with tooth decay or want to keep your cavity-free streak alive, it can be a good idea to take a look at your smile care routine. The practices we put in place to manage our teeth and gums can become so familiar that we stop giving them our full… Read more »
What You Can Learn At A Dental Checkup
The information given to patients during their dental checkups can cover more than you might realize. Cavity concerns can certainly be reviewed, and so can possible issues with gum disease. Beyond these matters, we can discuss oral hygiene, concerns about bite movement, and other matters that can impact your well-being in the long run. Our St. Louis, MO… Read more »
Smile Care For Parents And Kids
You should prioritize both your smile care as well as the care for your kids. Children require direct help at first, but even as they grow older, your support will make it easier for them to avoid cavity issues. You should also take the time to tend to your smile at home and through regular… Read more »