Category: Preventive Dentistry

3 Obstacles To A Healthy Smile You Should Know About

What is stopping you from maintaining your healthiest smile? Patients who believe they have nothing to worry about when it comes to their oral health are sometimes caught off guard by news that they need restorative dental work. Despite convincing themselves they have no problems with their hygiene routine, they may be making a costly mistake, or… Read more »

Your Caffeine Habit May Affect Your Smile In Unwelcome Ways

Caffeine can feel like a crucial ally when you have an early start to your day, or when you need to stay focused and productive at the end of a busy period. Because beverages like coffee, tea, and energy drinks are so present in our lives, you may not notice just how often you turn… Read more »

Did You Know? Stress Can Interfere With Your Oral Health

While we often think about stress in terms of the emotional toll it can take, remember that you may also undergo unwelcome physical effects during a difficult period. If it is not being managed effectively, your stress can actually pose a problem for your smile. You can have a more difficult time keeping up with the… Read more »

The Importance Of Sticking With Good Oral Hygiene Habits

It is hard to overstate the importance of staying consistent with good oral hygiene. Daily brushing and flossing help you fight harmful oral bacteria, which benefits your dental and general health. If you want to effectively fight plaque and tartar buildup, you should have a solid daily oral care regimen in place. In order to… Read more »

Smile Care Tips That Benefit Kids And Parents

You want your kids to grow up with healthy smiles, but you also need to give your teeth time and attention. Everyone in your family can benefit from a good oral hygiene routine, as well as regular dental checkups. At our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, Dr. Johnson is prepared to help patients of all… Read more »

Did You Stop Visiting The Dentist? 3 Reasons To Start Again

When you stay consistent with semiannual dental appointments, these regular evaluations can keep you informed about the state of your oral health. As an example, if a cavity has started to form since your last appointment, it can be identified and treated with a lifelike dental filling before it grows more concerning. Your visits also… Read more »

3 Long-Term Smile Benefits Regular Dental Exams Provide

Few features are as memorable as a bright, lovely smile. If you want to remain confident in the health and appearance of your teeth over the years, you should think about your current commitment to oral hygiene, and stay consistent with routine dental checkups. Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office is ready to provide patients with consistent smile… Read more »

Enjoy Dental Care At A Practice Your Entire Family Can Visit

Because family life can be so hectic, it can be exciting to find ways to make important responsibilities easier to address. One thing you can do is look for a dental practice that can provide quality smile care for adults, as well as great pediatric care! Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office is ready to help… Read more »

Tips To Keep Your Teeth Healthy Through 2020 (And Beyond)

We are close to the end of the year (and the decade), which makes this a great time to start thinking about your goals for the future. If you have struggled with dental health issues, or if you want to keep your teeth as healthy and bright as possible, make sure you include smile care… Read more »

Tips To Keep You Safe From Halloween Candy

Halloween is still a few days away, but you may already sense that Halloween candy is constantly within arm’s reach. This is an important time to think about your kids’ dental health needs, as trick-or-treating can provide them with a considerable candy haul. With that said, sweets affect teeth of all ages, and you may cause… Read more »