Focus On Improving Your Gum Health

gum health improving your gums st louis moAs we head into warmer weather, it’s time for a spring cleaning. This is your opportunity to simplify your life, getting rid of some of the clutter from the holidays. It’s also your chance to have a fresher, cleaner smile. The next time you’re due for a dental checkup, be sure to ask about improving your gum health, through ultrasonic scaling and root planing and a renewed dedication to your oral health.

When you’re ready to refresh your gums, come see Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO. We understand the importance of keeping up with your smile, and we know how vital your gums are in staying safe. If you are due for your next dental checkup, come do it with a trusted team that is dedicated to your smile success. We’re here to help you have the smile you deserve.

Take steps to improve your gum health. Call Magnolia Family Dental today.


Help Them Grow Into Their Smile

grow into their smile st louis moAs a parent, your little one means the world to you. Taking care of their needs is the most important thing in your life, and that means keeping an eye on their health. But if you’re not sticking to their schedule of dental checkups, you’re not doing everything that you can. We’re here to help your child grow into their smile, one biannual checkup at a time.

When you come see Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, you have a team that’s dedicated to your whole family’s smile success. From your child’s preventive visits to your care, we are here for you. We understand that your smile is a big part of who you are, and we want your little one to grow into a happy and healthy adult smile. That starts by keeping on track with their treatment.

Time for their next checkup? Call Magnolia Family Dental today.


Look Your Best In 2025

look your best st louis moYou depend on your smile each and every day, and unfortunately, it can be really tough to make a positive first impression when your oral health could use some work. Other people notice your teeth, so make sure that you look your best in 2025. When that means talking about cosmetic dental options, we’re here to help you find ways to improve your appearance and your emphasis on your oral health at the same time.

With our friendly, local team at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, you can take steps to reach your smile goals this year. Whether you’re looking to erase built-up stains with effective teeth whitening, achieve a fuller smile with veneers, or straighten your teeth with SureSmile®, we’re here for it. Schedule your next cleaning and examination, and let’s talk about your goals.

A beautiful smile enhances your look. Call Magnolia today!


Experience 2025 With A Beautiful Smile

experience 2025 with a beautiful smile st. louis moWas one of your New Year’s resolutions to see a more attractive smile in the mirror? Along with exercise goals, an oral health improvement is a popular resolution for those looking to do better over the next 12 months. When you want to experience 2025 with a beautiful smile, though, where’s the best place to start? That’s right: it’s with an appointment with your dentist.

At Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, we work hard to help people love their smiles. Sometimes, that takes some work, and we offer a variety of cosmetic services designed to uplift the appearance of your smile while keeping the focus on your oral health. If you made it your resolution to have a better smile in 2025, talk to our team about your possibilities.

Start the new year off strong. Visit your dentist.


Cracked A Tooth Over The Holidays?

cracked a tooth st. louis moChristmastime can be really tough on smiles. With all of the travel, close proximity, and stress, people are at a higher risk of experiencing damage to their teeth. This means that right now is a busy time for dentists, and if you’re ready to renew your oral health with a  restoration, we’re here to help with a range of solutions designed to help you smile with confidence again. It all starts with a phone call to our team, so if you managed to crack a tooth over the holidays, reach out to our office.

At Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, we understand the importance of keeping up with your smile. That’s why we work tirelessly to help people maintain and improve their oral health. Sometimes that means restoring a tooth that’s been damaged due to injury or decay. When it’s time to talk to a trusted name in local dentistry, reach out to our front desk.

Restore your damaged tooth. Call Magnolia today!


The New Year’s Your Time For Oral Health

new year's st. louis moNow that the holiday season is over, we all finally have a chance to breathe. It’s also a nice refresh, and the new year’s a great time to focus on your smile for a few reasons. You have the opportunity to start anew, meaning that if you missed a checkup in 2024, you can do better this year. Make your resolution to care for your oral health and start 2025 off with a cleaning and an examination.

Here at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, we know that taking the time for your smile needs can make a real difference. So, if you are due for your next checkup, make sure that you stick to your schedule. Having a sparkling smile means being proactive in your prevention, and we’re here to help.

Schedule a New Year’s checkup. Give yourself a great start to 2025!


Let’s Talk Before The Holidays!

before the holidays st louis moThe holidays are always an exciting time of the year. Unfortunately, that also means that they can be jam-packed with activities for the whole family. Before you head out to reconnect with loved ones, take some time to focus on your oral health. Your smile will thank you for putting the effort into your dental maintenance, and it gives you the opportunity to look and feel your best at the family gathering.

When you need a quality local dentist, talk to Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO. We are here to help you love your smile, and that starts with taking the steps to keep it safe. Most people need to see their dentist every six months, so if you still have not been in for a checkup in 2024, you’re falling behind. You don’t have much time left in the year, so don’t wait to see our team.

Ready for a refresh? Schedule an appointment before the holidays!


Experience The SureSmile® Difference

SureSmile® st. louis moStruggling with your smile can be a tough thing to deal with. We know that you take the time each day to properly care for your oral health needs, but sometimes, situations are out of your control. Your alignment is one of those times, but if you’ve had enough of your smile’s appearance, there are options that help. Ask about whether SureSmile® is right for you.

With our team at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, you have an alignment opportunity. Clear aligner therapy offers a different approach than traditional orthodontics, helping you improve the appearance and function of your smile without the need for visible braces. Instead, you simply pop in your nearly invisible aligner trays and start to work on your look. If you are ready to make a change, talk to Dr. Johnson-G’Sell about all of your possibilities.

A straighter smile is possible. Give us a call today!


Broken Tooth Haunting Your Nightmares?

broken toothA healthy smile depends on defense in order to stay safe. Your enamel is the hardest material produced by your body, even stronger than bone, and it works to block the spread of harmful bacteria. But even though it is tough, it can still be damaged, and when it is, it loses its ability to protect you from infection. The structures within your tooth are unable to fight back, putting you at risk of a nagging toothache or worse.

When your teeth need some help, take the time to talk to a trusted local oral health professional about repair. Here at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO, we can help you to find the course of care that you need. With durable dental crowns that blend in with your smile’s natural shade, our team is ready to renew your smile. To find out more about us, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Johnson-G’Sell, give us a call today!


Time For Their Next Children’s Checkup?

children's checkup st. louis moAs a parent, you need to keep an eye on certain health developments in your child. You have to make sure that you are sticking to their schedule of pediatric examinations, vaccines, and more; but you also need to focus on their oral health, and this can be a tough thing for some parents to start. From the moment they develop their first teeth, they need to start caring for them, as plaque and tartar do not care that they are just starting out. A children’s checkup at the dentist can help.

If it is time for their next dental appointment, call our team at Magnolia Family Dental in St. Louis, MO. Our goal is to improve the oral health in our community through helpful care for patients of all ages, and that means keeping to a consistent schedule of preventive checkups. Through periodic examinations and cleanings, you give your little one a greater chance to avoid common dental concerns like tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Time for their next checkup? Call our office today!
