Category: Cosmetic Dentistry

A Brighter Smile With Professional Whitening

A brighter smile st louis mo

Have you noticed that your smile just looks dingy, even right after brushing? This may be a result of enamel stains left by the foods and beverages that you love to enjoy. If those pumpkin spice treats have started to leave their mark, talk to your dentist about ways to safely remove them. Overbleaching can… Read more »

Erase Those Stubborn Stains Professionally!

Suit Man St. Louis

If you have started to see a change in the way your smile looks, take the time to talk with a trusted dentist about your situation. When enamel stains begin to build up on the surface of your teeth, they can be difficult to remove on your own. Even with the use of whitening toothpastes… Read more »

Discover The Many Benefits Of Veneers

Wedding Man St. Louis MO

If you are struggling with the appearance of your smile, talk with a trusted dental professional about your choices in cosmetic dentistry. These types of issues are common, yet still some people choose to continue with subpar dentistry. You have the opportunity to take control of your oral health, so take advantage of the chance… Read more »

You Have Options For A Brighter Smile

Dinner St. Louis MO

Have you noticed a change in your appearance due to the buildup of unwanted stains on your enamel? This form of discoloration can negatively affect the way you look, and it is important to understand the possibilities in your treatment. If you are struggling with a yellowed or dim smile, take some time to speak… Read more »

Invisalign® Provides Clear Smile Correction

st. louis invisalign

Do you have uneven teeth, but worry about the impact of metal braces? Then you may be interested in a clear orthodontic system. Invisalign® doesn’t use metal brackets and wires, but instead shifts your teeth into proper position with clear aligners. In today’s blog, your St. Louis, MO, dentist’s office talks about cosmetic orthodontics.

Could Porcelain Veneers Offer Our Patients A Smile Makeover?

magnolia veneers

For some people, what begins as minor cosmetic concerns could lead to major issues with a lack of treatment. You could assume a bright and beautiful smile is not possible, or that this would require multiple treatments. But your St. Louis, MO, dentist’s office could help transform the overall appearance of your smile with our… Read more »

Using Dental Bonding To Enhance Your Smile’s Beauty

st. louis dental bonding

Many people want to see improvement with the appearance of their smile. We understand, and offer a comprehensive selection of cosmetic treatment options to address issues with discoloration or even misshapen teeth. To offer major improvement in only one visit, your St. Louis, MO, dentist’s office may prescribe dental bonding and contouring.

Smile Improvement Goals For 2023

The end of the year is just days away, making this a great time to think about how you can make the most of 2023. Both broad and focused resolutions can be well worth making, as they can help you clarify what you want for the new year and what you hope to avoid. Whether… Read more »

Effectively Caring For Chipped And Misshapen Teeth

Whether the problem with your misshapen tooth is one that has always worried you or a more recent problem, it can be difficult to simply ignore. Both naturally occurring flaws with tooth shape and size and problems with dental damage can alter a person’s smile and leave them self-conscious about their appearance. If this is something that… Read more »

When Patients Worry About Dental Discoloration

Patients can be understandably worried about dental discoloration, even if they are not concerned about the problem as a possible sign of poor oral health. When you see changes in your smile occur due to an accumulation of enamel stains, it can be difficult to feel comfortable with how you look. Fortunately, this is a fixable… Read more »