Many people engage in at least one habit that can cause teeth stains to accumulate over time. Some may trace their issues with discoloration to a habit of drinking coffee each morning, while others may see tobacco use as the source of their trouble. Unfortunately, there are many foods and drinks that can cause stains… Read more »
Category: Cosmetic Dentistry
Restoring A Chipped Or Misshapen Tooth
If your smile is marred by a single flawed tooth, it can be hard not to feel self-conscious. Sometimes, problems occur after an unfortunate incident where a tooth is chipped or cracked. For others, the issue is connected to naturally occurring issues that affect tooth size or shape. At our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, we can… Read more »
Veneers Can Deliver Big Smile Changes!
If you start to lose confidence in your smile, your overall comfort with the way you look can shrink. Feeling comfortable in professional and social settings can become more difficult because you feel as though you need to hide your teeth from view. The good news is that with the right treatment, you can find that… Read more »
Taking A Whitening Kit From Your Dentist
After taking home a whitening treatment from your local grocery store or pharmacy, you can hope to see impressive results from its use. However, when you use them, you can find that their results are limited. To see more striking results, talk to your St. Louis, MO dentist about using a professional treatment. A professional… Read more »
How Tooth Bonding And Contouring Changes Your Smile
Are you currently comfortable with your smile, or are there certain flaws that make you less than happy with your appearance? If you are someone who wishes they could make changes to the way they look, but feel intimidated by the idea of cosmetic dental work, consider the benefits of tooth bonding and contouring work. At our… Read more »
How Porcelain Veneers Provide Long-Term Smile Improvements
It can be exciting to see how different your smile looks after a cosmetic dental procedure is performed. Of course, the purpose of a treatment is not just to give you an immediate confidence boost – you should also expect to see lasting benefits. With porcelain veneers, you can show off a smile that is more symmetrical, free… Read more »
Is It Time To Try A Professional Whitening Treatment?
People who grow unhappy with the color of their teeth often try to deal with their concerns by picking up a store bought whitening treatment, or by using a whitening toothpaste. These products can help, but they can be less effective at removing stains that have settled over time and have become difficult to address…. Read more »
You Can See Lasting Value From A Cosmetic Dental Procedure
Is there a way to make changes to your teeth that draw the right attention and deliver long-term results? With the right cosmetic dental procedure, you can be delighted at the lasting improvements made to your smile! Through cosmetic treatment, our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office can take care of issues like dental discoloration, problems with… Read more »
How Much Work Will It Take To Restore A Chipped Tooth?
A chipped tooth is a problem even when the damage is minor. Your ability to put bite pressure on the tooth can be reduced, and you can feel self-conscious about a visible flaw that hurts your smile. There are several procedures that can restore the appearance of a tooth and provide any needed functional support…. Read more »
Starting The New Year With A Brighter Smile
Are you ready to greet the new year with a bright, confident smile? If you currently feel less comfortable with the way you look because your teeth appear dull or discolored, consider the benefits of teeth whitening treatment! At our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, patients can come to us to discuss what they would like… Read more »