Your kids can require new clothes and new school supplies before classes begin again. If you want to make sure they start the new school year with healthy teeth, you should also make time for a pediatric dental exam at our St. Louis, MO dental practice! It can be easier to arrange checkups for your children while they are still out of school. This arrangement also ensures that if they have any problems with tooth decay, those problems can be addressed before there are worrying complications. Dr. Johnson is ready to meet with your kids, and provide quality oral health support. During these visits, kids can also receive helpful instructions to improve their daily dental care routine. (more…)
Take On Your Smile Flaws With Bonding And Contouring Work
How close are you to showing off your best possible smile? Is your appearance compromised by a dental flaw – or several flaws – that you would like to address? While cosmetic dental work is certainly capable of making significant changes to the look of your teeth, it is also possible to make slight, but important, improvements. At our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, we can provide guidance about cosmetic treatment, and what you can expect from the results of a procedure. If your goal is to target specific problems that draw unwelcome attention, you can find that bonding and contouring work offers significant improvements through relatively minor changes. (more…)
3 Habits To Follow If You Want A Healthier Smile
Can your daily behaviors help you sustain a healthy smile? Unfortunately, people sometimes keep up with a few good habits, while missing out on other opportunities to defend themselves against tooth decay and gum disease. While they can go some time without trouble, they can be caught off guard during a dental exam that leads to the discovery of a cavity. If you want to make sure you avoid problems that demand restorative dental work, look for ways to improve your oral hygiene habits. With better behaviors at home, you can look forward to positive feedback during a routine checkup at our St. Louis, MO dental practice! (more…)
3 Reasons To Keep Up With Good Flossing Habits
You spend at least two minutes brushing your teeth, you always use an ADA-approved toothpaste, and you replace a toothbrush when its bristles show signs of wear. While this is an admirable commitment to cleaning your teeth, one important step is missing. If you want to fully protect your smile, you need to floss, as well as brush. At our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, Dr. Johnson can make sure your teeth and gums are thoroughly cared for at every regular dental checkup. By flossing and brushing between visits, you can give yourself great support against oral health problems! (more…)
Fitting In A Whitening Treatment Before Summer Ends
A child enjoying time away from school can feel that summer is unfairly short. While our relationship to this season can change in adulthood, it can be easy to feel that these warm, sunny days are awfully brief. Even as we approach fall, you can be happy to know that you still have time to make great cosmetic improvements to your smile this summer! At our St. Louis, MO dental practice, we can help you flash a dazzling smile after a teeth-whitening treatment. You can meet with Dr. Johnson-G’Sell to pick up a custom whitening kit to use at home, or we can perform an in-office whitening treatment that can be completed in one appointment! (more…)
Is It Time To Start Cutting Back On Soft Drinks?
If you are having a hard time protecting your teeth against decay, you may connect the problem to your efforts to brush and floss. Improvements may be important in regards to your daily oral care routine, but there are other aspects of your daily life that could be affecting your well-being. Your typical diet – particularly your drink preferences – could have more impact on your dental health than you realize. One reason people struggle to stay cavity-free is because they drink soft drinks too often. Your St. Louis, MO dentist’s office can help you fight tooth decay when it forms. In between appointments, make sure you take smart steps to improve your ongoing defense against cavities! (more…)
Making Time For Pediatric Care During The Summer
The summer break is a great opportunity to spend time with your kids, and enjoy family activities. While those activities can include fun trips, and little mini-vacations to local spots, you should also make time for your kids’ health needs. Summer is a great time to set up pediatric dental exams with your St. Louis, MO dentist’s office. Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can help kids of all ages maintain healthy smiles, and everyone at our practice is committed to making our youngest patients feel welcomed, and safe. These visits do more than just give feedback on the state of a child’s smile – they are also great opportunities to teach kids about the value of dental care.
Invisalign Aligners Provide An Alternative To Metal Braces
When you think about the process of correcting gaps, overlaps, and other problems related to poor dental alignment, you may assume that metal braces are needed. These traditional appliances can make important corrections possible, and lead to both cosmetic and oral health benefits. However, people can be wary of starting treatment because they are uncomfortable with the idea of having these permanent, hard to ignore appliances put in place. You can be happy to learn that with Invisalign aligners, you can see real orthodontic results without relying on fixed braces! You can meet with your St. Louis, MO dentist, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell, and learn how Invisalign can help you. (more…)
Drinking More Water Can Be Good For Your Oral Health
You should be taking the time to properly brush and floss, and you should make semiannual dental checkups part of your overall smile care practices. This familiar advice is important to follow, but there are other preventive dental health tips you should know. For example, you can help your teeth and gums by drinking more water. This helps you when you drink water as a replacement for soft drinks and other potentially harmful beverages at meals. Being hydrated is also important because it becomes easier to produce saliva, which helps you deal with oral bacteria. Your St. Louis, MO dentist can offer guidance if you worry that your approach to preventing oral health trouble is not effective enough. (more…)
How Long Has It Been Since Your Last Dental Cleaning?
When you brush and floss your teeth, you take care of oral bacteria, food particles, and even built-up plaque that can cling to your enamel. What you should know is that any tartar accumulations on your smile are NOT being removed by these at-home cleaning sessions. Tartar can persist on your teeth, and increase your risk for experiencing tooth decay and gum disease. You may be unable to remove it on your own, but this substance can be managed during a professional dental cleaning. Your St. Louis, MO dentist’s office can offer a cleaning, as well as a thorough oral health review, during every routine dental visit. (more…)