The ideal cosmetic dental work will cover up unsightly flaws without making your appearance seem unnatural. After all, the goal of these treatments is to make you feel more confident in your smile, without making it apparent you have had work done. A bonding and contouring treatment allows your dentist to make artistic, precise changes to flawed teeth. You can cover up concerning discoloration, while also making discreet changes to the shape and size of a particular tooth. In many cases, a patient who opts to have bonding and contouring performed can have all the work they need done completed in just one appointment! (more…)
How Do You Restore Dental Implants?
We’ve recently discussed dentures and bridges as a way of replacing a missing tooth, but what about implant dentistry? With dental implants, we can replace your tooth in a way that most resembles its original form and function. What does placing an implant involve? How do we restore them to ensure a more natural appearance?
Does A Toothache Mean I Need Dental Care?
No one enjoys a toothache! Often, the discomfort could be an indicator of an oral health concern, one that requires attention to prevent serious complications. Your toothache could mean your smile needs to be seen by a dental professional, sooner rather than later. In today’s blog, we’re going to discuss the possible causes of an aching tooth, and what we can do about it.
Can Your Bridge or Denture Use Implants?
Thanks to advanced technology and dental materials, modern dental bridges and dentures are more realistic in their fit and appearance than ever before. Digital imaging creates highly precise measurements to guide your prosthesis’ creation, while materials like dental porcelain ensure that your replacement teeth are virtually indistinguishable from your healthy, natural teeth. Even if you already have a bridge or denture in place, you may benefit from upgrading it to a dental implant-supported restoration. (more…)
Do You Have Questions About Root Canal Treatment?
When a tooth develops an infection or an abscess, treatment is crucial to preserve the tooth and keep your smile whole. We often treat infected teeth using an endodontic solution known as root canal treatment. Comparable to receiving a dental filling, a root canal can help return your tooth to optimal health and function.
How Do You Place A Filling?
If you have a cavity, then treatment is needed. Otherwise, the decay could soon lead to more serious problems. In many cases, we can treat the issue in one visit with a simple restoration. How do we place a dental filling? What should you expect from the procedure?
How Does Invisalign® Correct Misalignment?
If you have an uneven smile, then orthodontic treatment can not only improve the esthetics of your smile, but can prevent the onset of serious oral health complications. Fortunately, orthodontic treatment doesn’t just mean metal braces. We can correct misalignment with a series of clear plastic aligners using the Invisalign system.
Find Out How Veneers Can Transform Your Smile
We’ve been focusing on our cosmetic treatments recently, such as teeth whitening or dental bonding. However, we have another cosmetic treatment that can completely alter the appearance of your teeth in as little as two visits. Find out how veneers can transform your smile!
Fixing Smiles In One Visit With Cosmetic Dentistry
We’ve looked at teeth whitening, but what about if your teeth are damaged or misshapen? We actually have two unique cosmetic treatments that address a number of esthetic concerns. In fact, with bonding and contouring we can fix smiles in just one visit!
What Can I Do To Avoid Tooth Decay?
Tooth decay is one of the most common oral health issues you can encounter. In fact, since only about one or two percent of the population are immune to dental caries, nearly everyone may develop one in their lifetime. Fortunately, you can take steps to help avoid the onset of tooth decay!