We Can Deal With More Than Just Cavities At A Checkup

You should worry about the formation of cavities, and you should make restorative dental work a priority if your dentist identifies a problem with dental decay. During your regular dental exams at our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, we make cavity prevention and restoration a priority. With that said, your smile is vulnerable to other issues. Patients of Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can count on more than just protection against dental decay. At appointments, we look for other issues that can impact your appearance, health, and quality of life. To make sure you benefit from this protection, be consistent about scheduling and attending your appointments. Unless you are told to follow a different schedule by your dentist, you should go in for a checkup every six months. (more…)

How Tooth Bonding And Contouring Changes Your Smile

Are you currently comfortable with your smile, or are there certain flaws that make you less than happy with your appearance? If you are someone who wishes they could make changes to the way they look, but feel intimidated by the idea of cosmetic dental work, consider the benefits of tooth bonding and contouring work. At our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, we can make careful, conservative changes that produce improvements while minimizing the actual changes to your tooth structure. The contouring process corrects problems with uneven teeth, or teeth that are too large. A bonding treatment will improve the color, shape, and size of teeth without placing permanent restorations. (more…)

Dental Checkups At An Early Age Can Have Long-Term Value

Once your baby’s teeth begin to arrive, they will be vulnerable to the formation of cavities. You will obviously have an important role to play in preserving their dental health at this age, you can count on your dentist for help! Our St. Louis, MO dental office is happy to provide a “well baby exam,” an appointment for a young child where Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can perform a review of their growing oral structures. In addition to providing early feedback about their development, this is a chance to introduce young children to the environment of a dental office. (more…)

3 Habits That Help You Avoid Calculus Buildup On Your Teeth

Plaque deposits form when bacteria and other materials gather on teeth. Fortunately, you can remove plaque when you brush and floss, and stop this substance from hurting your oral health. Unfortunately, when plaque deposits are not removed in time, they harden and form calculus deposits that you are not able to remove on your own. Visible calculus accumulation can make your smile look unattractive and unhealthy. This buildup will also make you more likely to deal with problems like dental decay and gum disease. At our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office, patients can count on consistent cleanings and their dental exams from Dr. Johnson-G’Sell to keep them protected against calculus buildup and other concerning oral health issues! In between visits, good hygiene habits will help you prevent plaque deposits from forming and hardening. (more…)

You May Be More Vulnerable To Cavities Than You Realize

How effective are your efforts to prevent cavities from forming and affecting your oral health? While you should be confident in your oral hygiene routine, be careful not to assume you have no risks at all to worry about. People who underestimate the threat of decay can fail to identify shortcomings in their routine, or decide they can go without regular dental exams. This can leave you vulnerable to cavity troubles and other issues, like gum disease. Our St. Louis, MO dental office is ready to help patients of all ages prevent oral health troubles. Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can provide preventive services to keep you safe, and when necessary offer restorative dental work for active concerns. (more…)

How Porcelain Veneers Provide Long-Term Smile Improvements

It can be exciting to see how different your smile looks after a cosmetic dental procedure is performed. Of course, the purpose of a treatment is not just to give you an immediate confidence boost – you should also expect to see lasting benefits. With porcelain veneers, you can show off a smile that is more symmetrical, free of visible flaws from wear and tear, brighter, and generally more attractive. The porcelain material used to create these slim restorations is strong enough to maintain its appearance for many years, so you can keep showing off your improved smile! Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office is ready to speak with you about the benefits of treatment with veneers, and we can also review your other cosmetic treatment options. (more…)

Is It Time To Try A Professional Whitening Treatment?

People who grow unhappy with the color of their teeth often try to deal with their concerns by picking up a store bought whitening treatment, or by using a whitening toothpaste. These products can help, but they can be less effective at removing stains that have settled over time and have become difficult to address. If you feel let down by your efforts at teeth whitening, talk to your St. Louis, MO dentist’s office about professional teeth whitening treatment. You can choose between a whitening kit that you take home and use on your own, or a single-visit procedure. Both options can remove frustrating stains that have gathered over time and left your smile dull and less attractive. (more…)

How Can I Help My Kids Learn The Value Of Good Oral Hygiene?

When kids learn the right lessons about oral hygiene, they can have an easier time taking care of their teeth, and they can face fewer risks from dental problems like tooth decay. Parents obviously have an important role to play in educating their children on dental health. After all, you will be directly responsible for caring for their teeth and gums until they are old enough to brush and floss on their own. With that said, you are not the only person who can give them guidance on this matter! Our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office provides pediatric dental exams as well as regular dental checkups for adults. When caring for kids, Dr. Johnson-G’Sell can provide consistent preventive care as well as education on both the importance of a healthy smile, and the steps they should take to protect themselves. (more…)

3 Reasons To Return To The Dentist For Regular Exams

Are you putting yourself at risk for oral health issues without realizing it? When you only rely on a daily oral hygiene routine and neglect to schedule regular dental checkups, you can be more vulnerable to problems than you realize. At these regular visits, you receive a thorough review for problems and have any calculus and plaque deposits on your teeth removed by your hygienist. Our office continues to provide care for patients of all ages in a safe, friendly environment. We are ready to provide you with important support against different dental health concerns! (more…)

You Can See Lasting Value From A Cosmetic Dental Procedure

Is there a way to make changes to your teeth that draw the right attention and deliver long-term results? With the right cosmetic dental procedure, you can be delighted at the lasting improvements made to your smile! Through cosmetic treatment, our St. Louis, MO dentist’s office can take care of issues like dental discoloration, problems with the alignment of your teeth, concerns about dental damage, and more! Because Dr. Johnson-G’Sell provides multiple treatment options, we can recommend a procedure that effectively resolves issues that you are most concerned about. We offer cosmetic services in addition to the kinds of preventive and restorative dental treatments that help keep patients’ smiles in good condition! (more…)