If you find that you are struggling with your rest, take some time to talk to your dentist about your sleep. You may have a common sleep disorder that is affecting your ability to experience a full night of deep and restful sleep. In fact, two of the most common of these conditions relate to your oral health, so reach out to an expert to learn how to achieve a better night of sleep.
With our team of helpful dental professionals in St. Louis, MO, you can take steps to improve your rest with the use of an oral appliance. This approach can be beneficial for those with a variety of overnight smile concerns, including chronic teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. If you have noticed that your jaw feels a little sore or tense when you wake up in the morning, it might be a result of this condition. A comfortable night guard can also help relieve some of the tension in your jaw, so talk to our team about treatment for bruxism and related TMJ disorder! (more…)