A Better Night Of Sleep With Bruxism Treatment

Better night of sleep st. louis moIf you find that you are struggling with your rest, take some time to talk to your dentist about your sleep. You may have a common sleep disorder that is affecting your ability to experience a full night of deep and restful sleep. In fact, two of the most common of these conditions relate to your oral health, so reach out to an expert to learn how to achieve a better night of sleep.

With our team of helpful dental professionals in St. Louis, MO, you can take steps to improve your rest with the use of an oral appliance. This approach can be beneficial for those with a variety of overnight smile concerns, including chronic teeth grinding, also known as bruxism. If you have noticed that your jaw feels a little sore or tense when you wake up in the morning, it might be a result of this condition. A comfortable night guard can also help relieve some of the tension in your jaw, so talk to our team about treatment for bruxism and related TMJ disorder! (more…)

Care For Your Smile With A Dental Checkup

Dental Checkup St. Louis MOEven with a dedication to your oral health, you still need to see your dentist from time to time for a cleaning and examination. Your routine brushing and flossing is certainly important, but home hygiene is simply not enough to keep your smile safe as you age. Most patients need to see the dentist at least twice each year for a dental checkup, and you may have certain environmental or genetic factors that make an accelerated schedule of visits a good idea to help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.

With our team of preventive and family dentistry professionals in St. Louis, MO, you can experience a fresher smile with a cleaning and examination. While you may think that you can handle your oral health maintenance all on your own, having the guidance of a trusted dentist can help you to avoid common dental conditions like periodontal disease and tooth decay. Along with your cleaning, you will also receive a visual examination to identify any problems as they develop. Be sure to ask all of your questions about your oral health at your next dental checkup! (more…)

Keep Your Orthodontic Treatment To Yourself With Invisalign®

Woman Outside St. Louis MO therapy from Invisalign®When your smile is out of alignment, it can affect multiple aspects of your life. If you are currently unhappy with the quality of your smile due to crooked or crowded teeth, then you understand how far-reaching your condition can be. From every first impression to every job interview, you want to look your best, and a beautiful smile can help you to do just that.

Your condition can impact both your appearance and your ability to brush and floss your teeth, but sometimes, patients avoid therapy due to the intrusion of traditional braces. For a more private orthodontic treatment option, talk to our team of orthodontic and dental experts in St. Louis, MO. With clear aligner therapy from Invisalign®, you can gently shift the location of your teeth with nearly invisible trays that you wear throughout the day. Simply pop in your progressive aligner solution and start to improve your smile’s quality and function with more properly spaced teeth. Set aside some time to talk with our team about clear aligner therapy! (more…)

Renew Your Smile With An Implant Restoration

Older Man St. Louis MOIf you have lost a tooth, take some time to learn about all of your available options in prosthodontic repair. One of your replacement possibilities is known as a dental implant, and this method is rapidly becoming one of the most popular solutions for a reason. A biocompatible implant is a form of sturdy repair that keeps your smile looking gorgeous, even after you lose one or more of your natural teeth.

With our team of prosthetic dentistry experts in St. Louis, MO, you can have a beautiful new restoration through the placement of a dental implant solution. Schedule an appointment for a consultation, and while you’re here, be sure to ask all of your questions about the process. This method uses a durable titanium rod within your jaw, and through an amazing process known as osseointegration, your bone tissue heals around it. After your short period of recovery, your dentist can attach a custom new prosthetic, giving you a replacement that blends in with your natural smile! (more…)

Erase Those Stubborn Stains Professionally!

Suit Man St. LouisIf you have started to see a change in the way your smile looks, take the time to talk with a trusted dentist about your situation. When enamel stains begin to build up on the surface of your teeth, they can be difficult to remove on your own. Even with the use of whitening toothpastes and rinses, your smile can continue to look yellowed or dull.

At our office of cosmetic dentistry experts in St. Louis, MO, you have a dedicated team to help you to free yourself of your problem stains. Start your path with an appointment for a cleaning and examination with your dentist, and while you are here, be sure to ask all of your questions about professional teeth whitening. With our team, you have access to two distinct methods to lift your stubborn stains, so tell your provider about your needs! Whether an at-home kit is your solution, or if you prefer a speedy office visit, we are here to help! (more…)

A Summer Dental Checkup For The Whole Family

Summer Pool St. Louis MOIf you are about ready to head out for vacation, take this opportunity to teach the little ones a valuable lesson in routine smile maintenance. The summer is a great time to schedule your semiannual checkups, so take advantage of your child’s free time and have them in for a visit. Appointments with the dentist are an essential part of their growth into an adult smile, and it is up to you to ensure that they stay on schedule.

At our dental office in St. Louis, MO, you can schedule a combined visit for your family, allowing us to care for each member at the same time. Talk to us about this opportunity and set the tone for the trip to the dentist, as you can show the little ones that taking care of their oral health is nothing to fear. You can give them the confidence to view their checkup as a pivotal moment in their dental development! (more…)

Find Relief With A Root Canal Treatment

Grass Woman St. Louis MOWhen you start to notice pain within your mouth, take the time to talk with a trusted dental provider about your situation. You may have an infection that has reached into the interior of your tooth, and if so, your toothache could become a serious problem for your smile. Talk to your dentist about your options in treatment and see if an endodontic repair is the next step in your oral health journey!

With our team of dental professionals in St. Louis, MO, you can eliminate your problem tooth infection with root canal treatment. This process includes the removal of your infected soft tissue, stopping your problem toothache in its tracks. After this portion of your procedure, your dentist will seal the connections between your problem tooth and your jaw, preventing the reinfection of the area. Your provider will cap things off with a beautiful new dental crown, so ask your dentist about your options in material. Some of our choices blend in with your natural enamel! (more…)

Discover The Many Benefits Of Veneers

Wedding Man St. Louis MOIf you are struggling with the appearance of your smile, talk with a trusted dental professional about your choices in cosmetic dentistry. These types of issues are common, yet still some people choose to continue with subpar dentistry. You have the opportunity to take control of your oral health, so take advantage of the chance to improve your smile.

When you are in need of a smile enhancement, talk with our helpful team of dental professionals in St. Louis, MO. One of the methods available to you is the placement of elegant new porcelain veneers. This process uses a thin layer of ceramic material that your provider will place over your existing tooth structure, giving you a gorgeous new smile. Veneers are versatile, so talk with your dentist about all of the ways that they can help you to reach your desired goal! (more…)

Maintain Your Smile With Helpful Prevention

Smiling Woman St. Louis MoWhile much of your oral health maintenance comes at home, you still need to regularly see your dentist for a cleaning and examination. For most people, these visits are necessary every six months. Some patients have certain environmental or genetic factors that require an accelerated schedule of these appointments, so always be sure to speak with your dentist about your particular timeline.

If it has been some time since your last cleaning and examination, spend some time with our team in St. Louis, MO. Your semiannual checkups provide you with the prevention you need to maintain your smile, so make the effort in following through with these visits. Experience a fresher mouth with a dedicated cleaning of the surface of your teeth in order to free your mouth of your problem plaque and tartar!

A Private Improvement With Invisalign®

Smiling Couple St. Louis MOIf you struggle with the improper alignment of your teeth, then you understand how this condition can affect nearly every aspect of your life. You depend on your smile to help you give positive first impressions, and you want to look your best when you meet new people, in both your professional and social lives. When your smile is held back by the alignment of your teeth, the situation can impact your ability to succeed.

For a form of treatment that you can keep to yourself, speak with our office in St. Louis, MO about clear aligners from Invisalign®. Some patients shy away from orthodontic improvement because of the intrusion that can come with traditional methods, such as bulky braces. You have the opportunity to achieve a more attractive smile with nearly invisible aligner trays that gently adjust your teeth, giving you a greater sense of privacy in your cosmetic dentistry. Simply wear your aligners throughout the day, and notice a difference in your appearance with treatment from Invisalign®! (more…)