When you start to notice pain within your mouth, take the time to talk with a trusted dental provider about your situation. You may have an infection that has reached into the interior of your tooth, and if so, your toothache could become a serious problem for your smile. Talk to your dentist about your options in treatment and see if an endodontic repair is the next step in your oral health journey!
With our team of dental professionals in St. Louis, MO, you can eliminate your problem tooth infection with root canal treatment. This process includes the removal of your infected soft tissue, stopping your problem toothache in its tracks. After this portion of your procedure, your dentist will seal the connections between your problem tooth and your jaw, preventing the reinfection of the area. Your provider will cap things off with a beautiful new dental crown, so ask your dentist about your options in material. Some of our choices blend in with your natural enamel! (more…)